A Song for Kitty front cover
New Release

A Song for Kitty

A powerful historical fiction set in the years before the First World War – against the backdrop of a tumultuous time where suffragettes fought for the vote, trade unions challenged employers for better pay and conditions and political unrest and war stalked the carefree Edwardian lifestyle. If you liked Downton Abbey you will love A Song for Kitty.

Lily Matthews, an apprentice seamstress and her neighbour Aiden Donnelly, a talented pianist, are in love. They dream of careers in the Music Hall in London. At a suffragette meeting they encounter London Music Hall star Kitty Marion. Will the charismatic Kitty help them to achieve their dreams or destroy their relationship and put their well-being at risk?

first in THE eLLIE rOSE series
Touch front cover


Overwhelmed by grief, surviving behind a mask, Physiotherapist Ellie Rose cares for others. But who will mend her broken heart? Much to her surprise, Ellie finds solace in healing her clients but she still can't release the pain lingering in her soul—until a charming new neighbour with his own grief opens the door to loving again.

Can Ellie, at last find the strength to let go the past and live life once more with passion?

“A poignant read”
Nanette Kreitzman, Author

What a wonderful story. I thoroughly enjoyed reading this delightful book. I cried, I laughed and I rooted for a happy ending for Ellie. She’s a strong character and it’s easy to want her to succeed in her career as well as in love. It was lovely to follow her journey from tragedy to joy. If you’re looking for a great read, I cannot recommend Touch highly enough and look forward to more books by this great writer.

Angelina Kalahari, Author 



The man she loves is offering his hand and heart. So why is Ellie Rose avoiding the issue?

As Mark’s frustration with her grows, and a new friend brings more confusion, Ellie sees her ideal world begin to unravel.

More used to advising others, when Ellie finds her own fears resurfacing, she wonders if she will ever make peace with the past.

“A beautifully written and richly described book, Dilemma is a charming and heart-warming story of real people with relatable lives…”

Julia Blake, Author

“Dilemma is an intelligent and sensitively written book, a sensitive study of the prolonged effects of grief, and how moving on doesn’t necessarily mean forgetting, or healing.”

Julie Embleton, Author

Bloom front cover


Through the long, hot summer, plans are laid that will change Ellie and Mark's lives forever. Their friends are included, the project seems perfect, and Mark is eager to invest.

With excitement comes risk, and Ellie isn't sure that risk is what she wants right now.

Ellie wants is a family, which isn't happening.

As tensions grow, can Ellie find new balance and contentment, despite the challenges which surround her? Or will the forces for change tear her happiness apart?

Thank you for sharing this story. Going through the story with Ellie and Mark has really touched me.

I remember all too vividly the fears and anxieties. 

That’s me crying again.”

Kay Cherish Kipling


Angela Cairns


If you like warm-hearted novels and short stories, full of every-day courage, romance, and found-family, you’ll love my books. I write enthralling romantic fiction, historical and contemporary with heart, soul and courage. In my books you will find resilient, relatable heroines with warm hearts who are trying to do the next right thing, despite difficult circumstances.

My books are for the stickers and fighters who get knocked down and get right back up again, bruised but not broken. For people who love people, and life in all its messy glory. The carers and romantics at heart who dream of real love and happy endings. Those who know they have more to give.

They are for those who reflect on what is in their heart, long to speak their truth, and who know the life they seek is out there. For those who are still wanting, still yearning, who are tired of being taken for granted and people pleasing. Whose hearts are bursting and who want more than the daily routine.

Those who show gratitude and would like some in return.

If you believe in friends, found-family, love and the spark that peace and fulfilment bring. If you want that connection. Pick up my books today.

Seasonal Produce front cover

Seasonal Produce

Short stories about life, love, loss, laughter and tears.

Can turbulent writer Isaac face his demons?
Who is Gabe Morelli?
Is a dog ever 'just a dog'?
And much more...

Love life? Then dip into this delicious treat today.

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What Did It Matter After All?

More Than Love

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Find your writing Zen – Part 1

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