In An Instant, Everything Changed

I had been chatting to author friends and readers at a book fair.

One had shared how she had cried on reading Touch, for the first time in forty years, for her younger self who had lost her husband and had to continue alone.

Another spoke of how Bloom resonated with her experiences as a young woman longing for a family.

I realised periods of imposter syndrome and procrastination were blighting the creativity of so many talented, unique women as they juggled the many demands of their lives.

It dawned on me that my author and physio/coaching worlds were not separate at all and could be perfectly aligned. My physiotherapy background and coaching knowledge were needed here in this bookish community to help women transform their lives.

This realisation ceased to be an option; it was a calling. An unshakable feeling down to the very last cell in my body that I had to share my passion for creative thinking and well-being with the world.

I had no idea, at that moment, that my life would change forever. Or even more shockingly, just how much it would change.

I decided to create coaching programmes specifically designed for women in transitional phases of their lives, which led me into a fantastic world of learning coaching techniques, new and profound knowledge about how our brains work and why we self-sabotage, and frightening tech that would have me tearing my hair out sometimes as I battled to learn new software programmes.

But it’s done! The website is about to launch. My free coaching eBooks are complete. I talk regularly on podcasts and the radio, produce articles for magazines, and most preciously, work with my amazing coaching clients.

My passion for writing fiction books is unchanged because, as we all know, there is nothing like a good story.

To claim your free ebook – Four Essential Questions To Ask Yourself Now  click below.


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