Short Stories

Love, Tears and Laughter—treats you can read between meals without gaining an ounce!

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Short stories

Seasonal Produce front cover

Seasonal Produce

Short Stories about life, love, loss, laughter and tears.

Can turbulent writer Isaac face his demons? Who is Gabe Morelli? Is a dog ever ‘just a dog’? and more…

Angela explores the seasons of our lives in her inspired anthology.

Love life? Then dip into this delicious treat today.

Available from Amazon as an Ebook

The Bells of Wisteria Cottage book cover

The Bells of Wisteria Cottage

Wisteria cottage sits in the heart of the Essex countryside, it has life and love built into its walls. In these short stories, we meet Dominic and Primrose Bell and the pets they love.

Available from Amazon as an Ebook

Psst Life book cover

Past Life

Already snowed under in a busy household of men, now her father-in-law has come to stay as well. Andrea feels she has lost her identity. A voice from her past seems to offer the advice she needs, but is it real? When Andrea sets out to find the truth will she find herself as well?

Available from Amazon as an Ebook

The Devil and the Depp Blue Sea book cover

The Devil and the Deep Blue Sea

Can a spark re-ignite the flame? Lost love, love letters and a meeting after thirty years. Can the magic of the African night bring lovers Thea and Nesh together again?

Available from Amazon as an EBook

Grampus book cover


A great bear of a dog with a huge heart.

What Did It Matter After All? book cover

What Did It Matter After All?​

A frail old lady, A bossy daughter-in-law and a houseful of memories. Meet Irene – a poignant story about getting older.
More Than Love book cover

More Than Love​

The crack of a belt, A swollen belly and an untamed spirit. Flash fiction about domestic violence.
First in the Ellie Rose Series


Overwhelmed by grief. Surviving behind a mask, Physiotherapist Ellie Rose cares for others. But who will mend her broken heart?

Touch front cover

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