I’ve always loved writing and for years have collected ideas and characters that came into my head with the intention of writing a book. But when would I find the time? How does a busy person find time to write?
I didn’t count it as writing at the time, but, before the fiction came a lot of writing in my Physiotherapy life, newspaper articles on health and well-being, course manuals, medico legal reports and all sorts of posts for social media.
There were spoken stories to my children, privileged times when we made up stories together snuggled up on the bed before sleep. Visualisations to help patients relax, which with the help of Simon Ramet (who wrote amazing original soundtracks) became a collection called Play Pause Unwind. And, I have read a world of fabulous stories in books. I love books from Harry Potter to Chocolat, Captain Corelli’s Mandolin to P. D James’ crime thrillers. Yet the urge to write my own stories bubbled away under the surface itching to get out!
Late in 2015 I decided that I simply had to make time, any time, even if only an hour a week . Proper diaried-out time that I would say “No” if anyone asked me to do something else. I had an idea for a novel set around a Physiotherapy Clinic and I began to research and write. In 2015, I found The Writers Company in Wivenhoe http://www.thewriterscompany.co.uk that teaches and supports adult writers of all abilities. I began to work with Petra McQueen and a group of inspirational writers that have become friends. The hour became two half days and I began to write creatively. In the group, we have dug deep, bared our souls, supported, critiqued, written and re-written. From this melting pot has come my novel Touch due to be released on Amazon on 4th June 2019 and lots of other short stories some of which you can find to download on the site.
So that’s when I became a writer but secretly I think I always have been…